Chapter 140
Next, more slaves seemed to be hunted around, and even a child who was not much older than the tenth prince, with the help of his followers, thrust an arrow into the thigh of a maid.

Murong Xue clenched her lower lip subconsciously, her eyes were staring like fire, it was really hard to accept the facts in front of her.

She was never for the faint of heart, nor had she seen gore.

Even during the execution of the mission, there are definitely not a few people killed by her.

But such a unilateral massacre, such a way of slaughtering people as animals, and such a killing led by teenagers still made her unable to accept it.

This kind of scene even reminded her of the tragic massacre in the war years.

As he thought about it, his pace naturally slowed down.

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind hit her head, rushing towards her arrogantly with the sound of a hard object piercing the sky.

Don't dare to think too much, although this body is exhausted to the extreme, but in the face of such a life-threatening moment, she still burst out the potential that a human being should have——

Vigorously pushing Biqing away, she twisted her waist, shifted sideways, jumped up, and flipped to the ground!

Although the series of movements were a bit embarrassing due to physical conditions, they were still flawless in order to save his life.

Seeing the long arrow that was supposed to hit her slam into the air and nailed to the tree trunk, the slaves who were running past her and happened to see this scene couldn't help but gasp in amazement.

However, it was precisely this sound of exclamation that slowed down the pace of escape. Before the maids could recover their senses, their lives were snatched away by cold arrows without hesitation.

The girl who fell closest to her had her carotid artery penetrated.

Murong Xue clearly saw the word "Shuo" engraved on the handle of that arrow.

(End of this chapter)

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