Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 145 The Plan of Revenge

Chapter 145 The Plan of Revenge

Dongfang Ling nodded, but there was no good way to solve it.

Biqing walked over at this time, looked around vigilantly, and then said:
"It doesn't matter, it's important to keep Snow Maiden. The servant will try to find a safe place to hide."

Everyone can't, so they have to do this first.

Dongfang Ling pointed to a snowy slope and told Biqing——

"Endure the cold and cover yourself with snow."

Bi Qing nodded and left, he turned his eyes to Murong Xue's injured leg again, and wanted to say something, but he still couldn't say anything.

Yin Yi also came forward at this time, but said:

"Aren't you planning to catch up on the old days here?" Looking at Dongfang Ling again, "After this winter encirclement, I will return the person. So there is no need to gossip about family affairs at this time."

Murong Xue rolled her eyes and said bluntly:
"Whether I can go back or not depends on whether I can save my life. Thanks to His Highness Tuoyin, if it weren't for your hard work, this paddock—A Zhu would not have had the chance to see it."

No matter how you sounded it, Ah Zhu sounded like she was being sarcastic.

Chang Huan was very upset to see her gossip.But in the current situation, he can't say anything, if it wasn't for Murong Xue's resistance, he might be the one who was regarded as the prey.

Dongfang Ling ignored Yin Yi, just stared in one direction and narrowed his eyes slightly.

After a while, he pulled Murong Xue's arm and pulled her in front of him, then bent down and whispered in her ear:
"There is a fence to the west of the forest, and the other end of the fence is full of tigers and leopards. Find a way to lure people there. Whether the old man lives or dies depends entirely on luck."

A bright light flashed in Murong Xue's eyes, and she secretly called out "Hello".

At this time, Dongfang Ling continued:
"Be careful yourself, I'll go over and find a way to make a gap in the fence."

After the words were closed, the man turned around and walked straight towards Jin Lin's body.


Thank you for your support to Nini. Dear friends who like to read the conclusion, I recommend you to watch the first two parts of Nini's "Secret Agent Series": "Secret Concubine 1: You Fenglaiyi" "Secret Concubine 2: My Love The concubine is a secret agent", all of them are finished articles, you can enjoy watching them~!

(End of this chapter)

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