Chapter 149 Revenge Begins

Immediately, he raised his hand again, shook off the whip and lashed hard, and the speed of the horse increased a bit.

"Little Hoof! Let's see where you go to escape today!"

Murong Xue didn't want to run away, but deliberately led the horse to run towards her.As soon as he reached the fence, the horse didn't intend to stop, and the old man stopped raising his bow, but drew a long knife from his straddle, went straight to her head and chopped it off.

The girl smiled coldly, turned around suddenly, and pulled the rein of the horse.

King Shuo was taken aback, he never expected Murong Xue to make such a move.

The horse was frightened, and he was so frightened that he hugged the horse's neck to stabilize his figure.

But the girl didn't stop her movements. After grabbing the reins, she jumped up into the air, and jumped over to the ferocious beast area with a person and a horse behind her.

The old man was so frightened that he didn't care whether the two were enemies or friends at this time, he just opened his mouth and shouted:

"Don't go in! There are beasts!"

She was not polite either, and said with a flick of her mouth:

"Didn't it mean that hunting cats and dogs is boring! This girl will give you some excitement!"

While speaking, his half-jumped body had already bumped into the fence that had been secretly destroyed earlier, and entered the beast area with a "bang".

But she didn't stay much, and just sent her body forward tentatively. When she saw a few leopards that were eyeing tigers roaring and rushing towards this side, she exerted all her strength with her arms, borrowing the momentum of the horse itself, and flicked it hard. The son threw the old man and the horse together towards the beasts.

Seeing that the distance was about the same, Murong Xue retreated, quickly rushed out of the beast area, and returned to the paddock.

And although the few leopards who came up coveted her very much, the one person and one horse that had already been delivered to the door had already made the extremely hungry beasts lose the interest of chasing people, and they rushed up one after another, facing the old man and that poor horse. He opened his mouth wide open.

(End of this chapter)

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