Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 154 Dongfang Ling is Good

Chapter 154 Dongfang Ling is Good

Murong Xue hurriedly picked up the curtain of the car, and saw a man in his forties standing outside with a medicine box.

She nodded:

"Yes! Thank you, please get in the car!"

The imperial physician didn't say much, it was the first time he had treated slaves.

Almost no master in this Yanchi country is willing to ask a doctor to treat a slave. If he gets sick or injured, he either throws it away directly or leaves him to fend for himself.

Even the eunuchs in the palace, except for those with some status like Qin Ying, few of them could use medicine.

At this moment, seeing Bi Qing who was still in a coma, she couldn't help shaking her head lightly.

He thought that she would be a good-looking girl, and Ling Wang was moved, so he announced the imperial doctor to see her.

But now it seems that this person is also very ordinary, nothing out of the ordinary.

The child who fell to the ground beside her had a surprisingly small appearance.

When the curtain was lifted just now, even a man of his age couldn't help but tremble when he saw it.

Biqing was not seriously ill, but suffered from the cold.

After seeing it, the imperial physician thought about it, but did not prescribe a prescription, but said to Murong Xue and Gu An:
"It's nothing serious, just make a bowl of ginger soup and pour it down. Then help her warm up and rub her body."

The two thanked each other, and the imperial doctor got out of the car and left.

Gu An sighed softly, moved a brazier closer to Biqing, and said to himself:
"Don't look at our prince's coldness on weekdays, but the servants who really follow him are better than any mansion. The other masters don't regard us as human beings, but King Ling is different."

Murong Xue thought for a while, and then nodded.

The people she has come into contact with are not many, but there are also many.

At least compared to the crown prince and old king Shuo, Dongfang Ling is really good.

However, another picture flashed through her mind, and she shook her head immediately, saying:

"Not necessarily! Last time in Prince Shuo's mansion, he gave one of two girls to Lord Shuo, and the other was beaten to death by his order!"


Today's update is complete, thank you for your support to Nini. For those who like to read the conclusion, I recommend you to watch the first two parts of Nini's "Secret Agent Series": "Secret Agent 1: Feng Laiyi" and "Secret Agent" 2: My Concubine Is an Agent", all of them are finished texts, you can enjoy watching~!

(End of this chapter)

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