Chapter 156 Train Yourself
Some people even said in private that this is the retribution from the heavens, the old man has done all kinds of bad things, this can be regarded as God's anger on us through the mouth of the beast!

Yin Yi bid farewell to Emperor Wu after King Shuo's funeral, but Emperor Wu did not immediately respond, but said:

"It looks like it will be the twelfth lunar month in three days. Prince Dongsheng will wait a little longer. The wine cellar in the palace will be opened on the tenth day of the twelfth lunar month. I will leave at that time. By the way, I will bring a few altars of good wine that have been sealed for a hundred years to give Your father!"

He had no reason to refuse, so he had no choice but to stay in Yanchi Country for a while longer.


After that day of winter encirclement, Murong Xue began to formulate a strict training plan for her current body.

Apart from the set of ancient martial arts from the Murong family, it also fully integrated the special training methods for young agents from the Operations Department of the National Security Bureau.

The courtyard where Murong Shuang lived was prepared by Dongfang Ling for her. Now that she came back, Bi Qing took Murong Shuang to a side courtyard to live next to her.

But the little girl has a lot of curiosity about this elder sister who has changed significantly, and she will always sneak into Murong Xue's yard during the day to watch her practice martial arts.

And her training for herself always starts at night and ends when the sky turns white.

So, most of the time, Murong Shuang just sat on the stone chair in the yard for a whole night.

The girl didn't talk much, she just looked at everything in front of her with eyes that became more and more admirable and strange, and gradually, she changed from the initial confusion to the later habit.

She didn't ask why Murong Xue suddenly knew martial arts, and she didn't ask where she learned this weird set of movements.

She knew that even if she asked about some things, her sister would not say them.

In fact, this is very good, although Dongfang Ling has never said a word to her, but Ling Ling's mansion is safe, she firmly believes in this.


It was only when I was sorting out the documents that Nini had missed three chapters. . .What a sin!Now those three chapters have been added, and chapters 99, 100, and 101 will be added later. Please read the previous and next chapters again. . . .Sorry sorry, don't scold me!

(End of this chapter)

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