Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 164 What Adults Think About

Chapter 164 What Adults Think About
People had already walked out the door, but she was still watching intently.

Gradually, a smile appeared on his face.

Murong Xue was puzzled. From her point of view, she didn't wait to ask a question, but the girl said to herself:
"So that's what King Ling is like! Who said he was bad? Compared to the prince and King Shuo, he is so much better."

Murong Xue shivered suddenly, as if she had picked up a message from the child's words.

But I don't want to think too much about it.

Most of the time, she is trying her best not to use an adult's thinking to judge the behavior of children. Some things happen at the age of ten or eight, and they may be as simple as a piece of transparent paper.

But if it is measured by her thoughts in her twenties, it is another matter.

She shook her head, trying to shake off all the complicated emotions, but at this moment Murong Shuang spoke again.

She said:

"Sister, I won't want to die anymore! King Ling is right, you should live well! Yes! For his words, Shuang'er must live well."

"Yeah." She nodded, her mind a little confused. "Then live! There is no guarantee that I will be able to save you next time."


The matter of Murong Shuang has been tossing for a whole dawn, and when she finally walked out of the room, it was already day and night.

Seeing her come out, her own girl came in to take care of the wounded, and Biqing also came over at this time and called her softly——

"Let's go to the dining room to eat first! The prince is here too!"

This breakfast was tasteless, it was not until Murong Xue put down the bowls and chopsticks that Murong Xue remembered that Dongfang Ling did not go to court today.

So he asked, and he just answered casually:

"Today is the day off."

She nodded, thought for a while, stood up and retreated behind him.

Regardless, she always remembered who she was.

It's okay to say it's a valet, or a bodyguard, and even often she feels like the shadow of Dongfang Ling.

(End of this chapter)

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