Chapter 187
Although she occasionally calls herself a slave, but most of the time her speech and behavior really don't look like a slave.

Dongfang Ling didn't care about it, and when he saw someone coming in, he pointed to the teapot on the table and said:

"It's not cold yet! When you're thirsty, drink it yourself."

She stopped laughing, but looked at the master helplessly, and said:

"Slaves are not allowed to drink tea from the master's house, the prince killed the slaves."

He didn't flirt with her anymore, turned his back, sat back in his chair, pointed at Murong Xue, and said:

"Grieved for Yin Yi?"

She lowered her head and didn't answer.

"Actually, Mr. Bai is right!" He started to serve the tea, took a sip, and then said, "Yin Yi is the prince of Dongsheng, so there are some things he can't escape. If it's the right thing or the wrong person, it would be me This is what happened to him today."

"Are you guarding yourself?" She raised her head, her face was calm, and there was no emotion in her voice.

This is Scorpion, as long as she wants, she can completely hide everything.

"That's right." Dongfang Ling didn't hide it, "This is a trap at all, just like what you said about guarding yourself and stealing yourself. My father did it very well. I believe that within three days, Yanchi will go east. Sheng sent troops."

"The refugees are fake, and the assassins are all people from Yanchi pretending to be. The emperor is the one who started all of this. The purpose is to keep Yin Yi in Yanchi..." Murong Xue counted all these things in detail, and after a long while, she asked : "What will be the final fate of hermit?"

Dongfang Ling didn't even think about it, and simply told her——

"There is only one way, and that is death!"

"What an innocent prince. What is the prince's plan? Are you just watching from the sidelines?"

"Of course." Dongfang Ling nodded, "I'm from Yanchi, so I must put Yanchi first. What's more, this matter is always beneficial to me, isn't it?"

Murong Xue had nothing to say.

(End of this chapter)

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