Chapter 212 The same way of death as Wei Lai
The man smiled wryly as he spoke, and said:

"But it can't be saved now. They will soon find out that there is one person missing. I won't disappear by myself. If I disappear, someone must have discovered my whereabouts. The eighth brothers are very cautious and will never go away at this time." It’s risky to save people, so in fact, it’s useless if you catch me. The eagle is gone, and the other seven brothers are gone. Even if I say this, it doesn’t matter. Nothing serious."

After he finished speaking, he stopped talking, Murong Xue slightly raised his head to look at him, just in time to see his lips and teeth moved slightly, his cheeks suddenly rose and fell, as if he was biting something hard.

With a thought in her mind, she rushed to the man, stretched out one hand, and squeezed his chin violently.

It's a pity that it was still a step too late, a dark and black blood gushed out from the corner of his lips, and he lost his breath.

"...he's dead." The hand holding his chin didn't let go, and he put in more force while talking, until he opened the man's mouth, only then did he see that the blood came from the innermost teeth .

Murong Xue blinked, and the memories of her previous life suddenly flooded back.

Many secret agents hide poison in their teeth. The poison is not to hurt others, but to end their own lives quickly at the last moment.

Not everyone has the Four Great Kings, Wei Lai is the only one who has had his teeth tampered with.

She once received a very secret email, the sender's signature was "Teig", the email was very simple, it just told her that Wei Lai died from the poison in his teeth and did not suffer too much pain.

She knew Teiger. Wei Lai once said that if possible, she would rather carry out the task of Teiger for the rest of her life.

She doesn't necessarily love him, but she knows he has her in his heart.

If you are destined to work for the National Security Bureau in this life, it is better to do one task until you die.

(End of this chapter)

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