Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 214 Departure, to Dongsheng 1

Chapter 214 Departure, to Dongsheng 1
When I pushed open the door, I could see the moon shining brightly, shining brightly and coldly in the long night, and an unspeakable emotion covered my heart, with endless coolness and darkness.


Because she had to prepare clothes, she waited an extra day.

It was still dark on the third day, and when the servants who got up the earliest in the mansion were still asleep, Murong Xueli got up, took the horse that Dongfang Ling had prepared by herself, and quietly set out on the road.

After running a few steps, she turned her head subconsciously and looked towards the mansion that she had just left.

This look seemed to be the last farewell.

There was a very strange feeling welling up in her heart, which made her feel that there was no end in sight, that she would be gone for years.

On the eaves, there is a faint figure sitting on the tiles.

At this moment, with the dawn light, she stretched out her hand, as if she wanted to hold the flowing light, but the sunlight still fell into her eyes, causing a little stinging pain.

Dongfang Ling...

She blinked at the figure, stopped the horse, and stood on the cold street for a long time.

Finally, with a sigh, he waved his whip and beat the horse away.

The figure on the eaves moved slightly, until the figure was no longer visible, and then threw the half of the wooden branch that he had been fiddling with in his hand violently forward.

The branch went into a tree trunk and was nailed half way through.

Dongfang Ling didn't know where his worries came from until now, and he knew that there should be nothing wrong with Murong Xue's ability to make this trip.

But the fear that came from the heart has never dissipated.

He knew that the fear was because of the fear of losing.

This girl gave him a desire to protect, and changed his habits time and time again. Slowly, he started to get used to her.


Dongsheng is on the east side of Yanchi, the geographical location is unfamiliar to Murongxue, but Dongfang Ling told her that all the way to the east, passing through 14 cities, is the border between the two countries.

(End of this chapter)

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