Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 216 The Crisis in the Woods

Chapter 216 The Crisis in the Woods
No matter what, he had to steal the things before the third prince escorted Yin Yi to the border, so as to give Dongsheng some time to prepare, so as not to make a mistake in changing Yin Yi.

In any case, she always wanted to be secluded and safe.

With such thoughts in mind, he rushed the journey so much that he used the rest time at the inn to hurry.

Gradually slowed down the horse, turned over and got off.

He wanted to gather some firewood to make do with this place for the night, but the horse had just been tied to the tree trunk here, and the people hadn't waited to move, but there were a few "swish" sounds in the woods.

Murong Xue immediately stopped the movements in her hands, then leaned her body lightly, touched one knee to the ground, her ears moved slightly, her breath held fast, she listened to the strange movement with all her attention.

Not long after, the voice came again.

Jiwei, if it wasn't for her extraordinary hearing, she might just take it as wind.

After all, the wind is strong at night, and some noise is normal when passing by.

But Murong Xue didn't think so, firstly, her ability to distinguish voices was excellent, and secondly, she always felt that this journey seemed to be too smooth.

Sometimes people are like this. When something goes wrong, they will curse themselves for being unlucky.But if it's really too smooth, but distracted and strange, I feel that this smoothness is also weird.

Murong Xue is in such a situation now, but she is not all caused by psychological reasons, but because of her all-time accurate sixth sense, she always feels that this smoothness will be broken one day.

Is it coming so soon?
The corners of her lips moved slightly, and there was actually a beautiful smile.

I really want to know who is the person who has been crouching in the dark, who can listen to the movements of Prince Ling's mansion so carefully, can it be an ordinary person?

Speaking of which, she felt that there was someone following behind her a day ago.

(End of this chapter)

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