Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 218 The Second Person—Death!

Chapter 218 The Second Person—Death!

Sure enough, the big man ran forward for less than three steps, but saw three silver lights flashing in the air, heading straight for his direction.

The one who didn't get up yelled:

Before the words were finished, the person holding the knife suddenly stopped in front of him, and the arm holding the knife stopped in mid-air, motionless.

He secretly thought that it was not good, and was thinking whether he should continue to entangle with that terrifying girl, or hurry up and leave.

But at this moment, the big man in front fell on his back with a "bang", and the three silver lights just now turned out to be three embroidery needles, which were inserted straight into the dead man's throat.

He was secretly startled, Murong Xue's cruel and quick killing method really shocked him so much that he even forgot that he was thinking about whether he was going to escape just now.

But when it came back, it was too late.

At some point, the girl dressed as a man quietly floated in front of him.

That's right, it's floating.

Because he didn't see the opponent's legs moving, but the person was leaning little by little.

In the blink of an eye, five fingers turned into claws, already jamming his neck.

"Don't move." Murong Xue said coldly, surrounded by thick shadows and darkness, making her voice sound like a ghost, a little cautious.

The man wisely chose to listen to her, without moving or making a sound.

He just looked at the person in front of him out of the corner of his eye, and only glanced at him, but he couldn't look away.

Although she was dressed in men's clothing, she was still beautiful, from the cold eyes and slightly upturned lips.

It's a pity that this kind of beauty is poisonous. The master once said that the girl Murong Xue, as beautiful as she is, is also ruthless.

"People from Dongfang Han?" She suddenly said, but directly revealed the identity of the other party.

The man froze for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

Murong Xue shrugged, and said again:
"If I knew I could recognize one, I wouldn't have to spend so much effort to capture you. Just like them, I just kill you."

(End of this chapter)

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