Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 220 Get rid of everything

Chapter 220 Get rid of everything

What she said made the big man feel colder the more he listened, as if Murong Xue knew everything, but she made Dongfang Han's intentions so clear.

"Okay!" She didn't want to entangle with him any more, it was really cold in this place. "I don't even ask you how many people Dongfanghan sent to chase me. He is really stupid. If he has the time to call me, it would be great to go directly to Dongsheng Palace to steal things!" Then he shrugged, "If you go Stealing, I can also save a little worry, I don’t need to sneak into the palace, just take it from you.”

As if she was telling a joke, she put a conspiracy on the table while talking and laughing.

The big man fell down and sat on the ground with a "plop", he just felt that the more he got in touch with this girl, the more he felt that she was too scary.

Every word she said seemed to reveal a message of death.

Suddenly, I envied those two brothers who died first, at least their pain was only for a moment, but I had to endure so much mental torture here.

"Am I right?" Seeing him fall to the ground, Murong Xue also squatted down.

And no longer control him, this person no longer needs to be controlled.Even if she lent him two legs now, he would not be able to run if he was trembling like this.

The big man nodded mechanically:

"Why is Dongfang Han so stupid? If you want to kill me, you can't find anyone decent." She smiled evilly, "Okay, let's go find your brother!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the steel knife that the big man was holding in his hand.

Immediately, he aimed at the heart and stabbed fiercely.

The knife was not pulled out, and the blood flowed against the clothes without splashing out.

The three of them were all resolved, and Murong Xue also breathed a sigh of relief.

She could trust her own kung fu, but she couldn't trust her own body.

So when many crises come, she will subconsciously want to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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