Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 224 Who Broke Your Sleeves

Chapter 224 Who Broke Your Sleeves
A piece of money let Murong Xue understand that these two people must have received money from the government and made a special trip here to wait for her.

As for Tang Chu, she couldn't see the truth yet.

Just now, after testing it out, I found out that he doesn't know martial arts, and looking at his appearance, he must be a passing rich son.

As for why he was captured by these two like himself...

Murong Xue laughed with a "puchi", looked at Tang Chu again, and made a good guess.

The couple had never met themselves, so it was probably the wrong person.

He had already dressed up as a man, and they had never seen her before, they were just listening to the description, and it was very likely that by coincidence they took Tang Chu as himself and arrested her.

Seeing her laughing suddenly, Tang Chu proudly leaned towards her horse, and lazily said:

"Let's go together! It's good to be a companion!"

"How do you know that we are going the same way?" Murong Xue was so angry that she pulled people away from her side, "You are really annoying."

"What's bothering you?" His clothes were a little messed up, and the harmless smile was still in his eyes, "I, Tang Chu, is a good-looking person no matter what, let's go together...uh..." He paused, then pointed at Murong Xue, "It's not very good! Look, you are a young girl, but you are dressed as a man. Will we be seen as... having a habit of breaking sleeves when we walk on the road like this?"

"What are you talking about!" Murong Xue was so angry that she wanted to kick someone with her feet, "What kind of sleeve will you break? Who will break your sleeve! Hey! Tang Chu, let me ask you, how do you know that I am a woman?"

Tang Chu curled his lips, then patted his chest, and said boldly:

"Who am I, Tang Chu! There are countless women in the world, who can escape my eyes? If you look like a boy, how many women would you envy?"

"Yo!" She looked at the past, "You are so young, you have the nerve to say so?"

(End of this chapter)

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