Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 234 The carriage fell off the cliff

Chapter 234 The carriage fell off the cliff

Tang Chu scratched his head,
"Is it obvious? How did I know it was fake all at once?"

"I'm too lazy to care about you."

Murong Xue shook her hand, and was about to say a few more words, when she suddenly heard a commotion not far ahead, then the carriage stopped, and many people outside were running forward.

"What's the matter?" Tang Chu hurriedly asked.

Murong Xue shook her head, motioning him to open the car curtain to have a look.

He got up and moved forward, stretched out his hand to open the curtain of the car, and found that the driver outside had disappeared.

Looking forward, it turned out that the carriage in front of the old man and his granddaughter was slippery due to snow, and accidentally fell down the mountain road, and one wheel was stuck on the other wheel.

All the people walking behind rushed forward and grabbed the carriage one after another to slow down its downward trend.

There was a faint crying of a girl, it should be the girl who was sitting with the old man.

Tang Chu frowned, turned to look at Murong Xue who was still leaning in the corner, and said:
"There is danger ahead, should we help?"

She shook her head, no reason.

Tang Chu shrugged, lowered the curtain, and sat back beside her.

"That's right! How can such a little difficulty not be solved for someone who has been walking outside all year round!"

As he spoke, he simply raised his legs and tilted his head, closed his eyes and took a rest.

But it didn't feel comfortable for a while, but the noise outside became louder and louder, and the girl's cry turned into a cry for help.

The calls for help kept coming, and gradually, Tang Chu couldn't sit still.

"Let's go and see, okay? They don't seem to be able to save that car!"

Murong Xue still didn't move, just looked at Tang Chu with a frown, and said a little depressed:

"Why are you so meddlesome? If you hadn't made trouble in that village house, I might be almost in Dongsheng now."

"Come on!" Tang Chu said helplessly, "No matter how fast you go, you can't go to Dongsheng in one day! Hey, don't care?"

(End of this chapter)

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