Chapter 240
But the texture, color, and size of the bead are all unknown.

In other words, in this operation, in the end, it is very likely that what she got back was also fake.

Because she didn't recognize it, neither did Dongfang Ling.

"Lucky?" She shrugged and smiled, as if her luck hadn't been very good.


It was night, and the window on the second floor of an inn in Dongsheng capital was gently pushed open.

That window faced the street, and below was the flat avenue.

It was not until the second watch, and the street was so deserted that there was not even a watchman.

Murong Xue floated down, wearing a snow-white daughter's outfit again, as deserted as a goddess.

Men's clothing is for convenience on the road, and now that I have arrived in Kyoto, there is no need to wear it anymore.

What's more, if you go to the palace to inquire, you won't be able to catch the best ones. Once you are caught, you will end up with whatever you dress up.

He ran carefully in the direction he had inquired during the day, and after half an hour, he arrived under the palace wall.

The girl panted slightly, and supported a big tree to calm herself down.

After his physical strength returned to normal, he looked at the palace wall again.

The height is about the same as Yanchi, and the guards are about ten meters long.

After careful consideration, he had an idea.

She quietly found out, chose the right position to strike, and then hid her body with the help of a big tree. With a flip of her jade wrist, two silver needles came out from the air, and accurately sank into the necks of the two guards.

The two guards only trembled slightly, and then they didn't move, their eyes were straight forward, and their bodies stood up as usual, no difference from before.

She nodded in satisfaction, and when she stepped out, she saw the surprised eyes of the two guards.

But it doesn't hurt to be surprised, because they can't move, they can't speak, they can't even squint their eyes.

So her appearance only fell into the eyes of others for a moment, and a little further forward, the two guards who had their acupuncture points sealed could no longer see her.

(End of this chapter)

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