Chapter 247 Dongsheng Emperor
Qiaoxin didn't have time to get closer, but he heard a thick male voice from inside the tent, with sadness and reproach——

"Noisy, what happened?"

Qiao Xin knelt down on the ground, and replied quickly:

"Your Majesty forgives your sins. Someone spread the word that it was Concubine Yi who threw herself into the lake."

"Concubine Yi threw herself into the lake?"

The curtain was lifted from the inside.

Murong Xue saw that Qiao Xin's body trembled suddenly, and then trembled unconsciously.

It was only at this time that she had to see the true face of Emperor Dongsheng in Mount Lu. This man was around fifty years old, a little younger than Emperor Wu.

At this moment, his eyes were wide open, and his whole body was surrounded by a cloud of anger, making it difficult to look directly at him.

Murong Xue watched for a long time, only felt that this person looked very similar to Yin Yi, but Yin Yi was calm, while he was very domineering.Although it is not enough to describe it as swallowing mountains and rivers with anger, he still has a lot of bearing that an emperor should have.

Qiao Xin, who was kneeling in front of the bed, was so frightened that the whole child couldn't help shivering, thinking that the emperor would not care too much about Concubine Yi falling out of favor.

But he didn't want to, when he heard the news of his throwing himself into the lake, the Ninth Five-Year Lord still reacted like this, just like before.

"I asked you something!" The loud voice came again, "What did you just say?"

Qiao Xin kowtowed her head, and quickly said:

"Concubine Yi threw herself into Xiaozhao Lake and has been rescued. Your lord asks the emperor to speak to the imperial physician."

"Then go announce it!" The emperor slapped the bed angrily, "Go and pass on my oral order, Xuan Chang's imperial physician will enter the palace to treat Concubine Yi. Remember! I want people to live."

Qiao Xin took the order and quickly exited the house. The person on the bed got up and looked out the window for a long time, but in the end there was only a long sigh.

Murong Xue looked at his back in a daze, if it wasn't for the bright yellow underclothes, or the half-grey hair.From the back view, this person is almost no different from hermit.

(End of this chapter)

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