Chapter 254 Going to Tuzhou

She wrapped the night pearl in a layer of cotton cloth and stuffed it into the brocade bag containing the needles, hanging down on her waist, reminding her to go back to Yanchi as soon as possible, and Dongfang Ling's side as soon as possible.

She knew that Dongfang Ling must be in a hurry. There were no developed communication tools in ancient times, and they didn't know how to communicate with birds like hermits.

Dongfang Ling can only be worried about her situation besides guessing. Naturally, the sooner they go back and meet each other, the better.

But she was worried about seclusion. Dongfang Han's entourage was as many as [-] people who were scouted by Dongsheng's spies. What about the dark place?
It's just an exchange, do you need to bring so many people?

She had no way of knowing what Dongfang Han was up to, but the safety of hermit made her feel worried.

In fact, she just wanted him to live.

In other words, she didn't want to implicate Yin Yi because of the fact that she had stolen the beads.

No matter what, that person treated her well.

Shaking his head helplessly, he hit his horse and ran towards the path leading to Tuzhou.

Sometimes people are really strange, even though she was cold and vicious like a poisonous scorpion in her previous life, as time goes by, there will always be some small changes in some things.

This kind of change often determines a person's action in a single thought, and this action often affects the final result of other people or some things.

"As long as you see Yin Yi's safe transaction, leave immediately!"

From the bottom of her heart, she ruthlessly raised her whip, and stopped without hesitation.


Tuzhou is Yanchi's land, but because it is located on the border between the two countries, merchants who come and go will basically choose to rest here, so the guards at the city gate are not very strict.

She sneaked into the city and only wandered one street casually. From the chatter of the people, she learned that Dongfanghan's men were camping five miles outside the city.

(End of this chapter)

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