Chapter 262 Opposite to Gu An

The driver yelled angrily and turned around, holding a long sword in his hand and was about to stab, but stopped his hand the moment he saw the approaching person.

"Snow... Snow Maiden!"

At this time, Murong Xue inserted five needles between her fingers, and she landed on the roof of the carriage.

"Gu An!" She frowned fiercely.

If the figure from the back last night was just a guess, then now that they met face to face, the doubts in her heart were instantly raised to the limit.

However, this kind of doubt was only for a moment, and immediately returned to normal, and then two questions blurted out——

"Did the prince choose to join forces with Dongfang Han, or did you betray the prince?"

Gu An was startled, and looked at Murong Xue in horror.

He couldn't understand why such a young child would have such a delicate mind?
But he didn't answer, just said:
"This is an important matter for the country, and Snow Maiden doesn't need to ask more questions."

"Important matter of the country?" Murong Xue laughed until her stomach hurts. "Important matter of the country? Gu An, you are just a servant, when is it your turn to worry about the affairs of the country?"

"Snow girl!" Gu An's expression turned cold, "I have important business to do, so I can't chat with you here, please come down!"

"What if I don't come down?" She leaned forward, with a stern look in her eyes. "Gu An! If I don't come down, what will happen to you?"

"If you don't come down, he will take your head off!"

Suddenly someone shouted at her from behind, but they answered her for Gu An.

Murong Xue didn't turn her head back, and said directly:

"His Royal Highness King Han! Why come here to join in the fun instead of leading the crowd to seize the city!"

Her words were not polite at all, how could Dongfang Han, who had always had his eyes above his head, bear it.

He yelled a few times, and swung the long sword in his hand as if to stab Murong Xue.

Dongfang Han has enough brains and skills, but his fatal weakness is that his personality is too revealing and impulsive.

(End of this chapter)

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