Chapter 266 Escape
The lieutenant had no choice but to nod his head.

But in fact, his side was already struggling. Someone from Dongsheng's side saw Yin Yi run away, and the news came immediately.

Seeing that the crown prince on his side was no longer under his control, Dongsheng was still unable to use his fists and kicks, but now he immediately raised his spirits, and one after another re-packed and came forward.

"Hold on! Lin'an must be brought down today!"

Dongfang Han yelled loudly, which could be regarded as slightly igniting the passion of the soldiers.

After yelling over there, he turned back and yelled at Gu An who had already chased him——

"Catch that girl alive! This king must bring her to the emperor father, and see what the second child has to say!"

With such an arrangement, Yan Chi's soldiers and horses were immediately divided into two halves.

Two-thirds of the people were fighting hard, and the other third followed Yin Yi and the others into the deep mountains.

No matter how fast the two legs hopped, they couldn't beat the horse. Gradually, the soldiers on horseback were the first to catch up with the people in front.

Murong Xue was held tightly by Yin Yi with one hand, and with the other hand she went into the brocade bag, grabbed out a handful of silver needles, shook her hand and threw it at her hand.

I didn't see her turn her head to look, so she just threw it back, and those silver needles seemed to have eyes, and they were all nailed into the horse's front legs.

There was chaos behind him for a while, and the rider was thrown off because of the sudden fall of the horse.

In this way, Yin Yi and the others bought a lot of time.

The three of them ran silently, without making a sound.

Gradually, it was Murong Xue who was the first to lose it, and slowed down as she ran.

Yin Yi turned her head to look, and saw that her face was already flushed, her lips were slightly parted, and she was out of breath.

"What's the matter?" He slowed down a little and asked quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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