Chapter 269 No Needle

After this question, she also felt a little worried.

He took a few breaths, looked at the river again, and said helplessly:

"If you can't hold on, don't you have to swim? Don't we have another way out?"

While saying this, only the sound of galloping horseshoes could be heard from three sides.

She subconsciously put her hand into the brocade bag and touched it, but it was empty.

No more needles!
Feeling cold, the weapons at hand are exhausted, if he is surrounded again, it will be very dangerous.

A few people were standing by the river in a daze, but at this moment they suddenly heard a gust of bad wind coming from behind, accompanied by the sound of a whistle piercing the sky, Murong Xue recognized that it should be an arrow.

"Be careful!" With a stern voice, he pulled Yin Yi past him and fell to the ground.

The arrow flew past their skirts and sank soundlessly into Datong River.

"See where you are going to escape!" Gu An's voice sounded like a reminder, and at the same time, several arrows were fired, and they greeted the three of Yin Yi with a roar.

Murong Xue secretly hated, she only blamed herself that she didn't like to interact with people when she was around Dongfang Ling, and besides Bi Qing, there were few people in the mansion whom she was familiar with.

This Gu'an only had a little intersection on the day of Dongwei, and it was not common at other times.

If it wasn't like this, if she could get in touch with other people more, maybe she would have discovered Gu An's hidden ghost long ago.

There is no way, the sharp arrow is in the air, and they can only dodge left and right.

Helplessly, there is an empty field beside the Datong River, there is not even a dead tree around, and the few people can only dodge as much as possible with their own body skills.

Chang Huan has a weapon in his hand, and he can swing it twice.

Yin Yi also pulled out a soft sword from her waist at this time, and swung it vigorously towards the arrow that flew towards her.

It's just that the unarmed Murong Xue couldn't open it when an arrow came, so he could only endure the feeling in his chest that was about to explode and let his body twist flexibly as much as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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