Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 281 Miss Biqing is out of the house

Chapter 281 Miss Biqing is out of the house

"Okay!" Yin Yi stepped in without knowing it, only thinking that she was playful, and said: "I will take you there as soon as I have a chance, the second sister is married there, we can visit relatives."

She nodded casually, stopped talking, and entered the room under the guidance of the girl.

Although I don't know how long I will stay in Dongsheng, but it will not be long enough to find a chance to go to Dashun to visit relatives together!
Gently pressing the brocade bag at his waist, the box containing the night pearl was still inside.

When swimming, she carefully protected the bag to prevent it from being dropped, but she didn't know when it would be able to hand it over to Dongfang Ling.


half a month
The war in Tuzhou was rewarded by Dongfanghan, and Emperor Wu was furious.

In a fit of anger, Dongfang Ling was banned from Lingwang's mansion, and the holy words: If you don't hand over that girl, you will stay in the mansion for the rest of your life!
This result was expected by Dongfang Ling, he guessed that Murong Xue would definitely rescue Yin Yi, but he miscalculated Gu An.

I have long felt that there must be meticulous people by my side, but I have calculated thousands of times and missed Gu An who has been by his side since childhood.

After returning from court, he confined himself in the study.

He has never been able to understand Gu An's defection, and has tried to make countless assumptions, but he still can't find a reasonable reason.

Until it was night, a servant knocked on the door lightly, came in and reported:
"My lord, Miss Biqing has left the mansion. It's through the back door."

One sentence seemed to stir one of his nerves, awakening the mist that had never been understood.

After waving his hand to dismiss the people, he thought for a while, but chose to follow quietly.

Biqing didn't go very far, and stopped in the alley that turned around.

Sitting cross-legged on the roof, Dongfang Ling quietly watched her being pulled into the arms of a figure, and then struggled desperately to break free.

After a while, the figure spoke, it was a male voice, he said:
"Biqing, come with me, I will let you live a good life, and you don't have to wait on others."

(End of this chapter)

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