Chapter 294 Reply
He read it thirty times and imagined it thirty times, thinking about Murong Xue's expression and mood when he wrote this content.

He knew that it was wrong for him to ask her to go to Dongsheng to steal the beads, but he never thought that he was so wrong.

"Does this mean that you will never come back again?" He suddenly sneered, as if he had experienced the funniest joke in the world.

The prince, who was always stern, actually laughed out loud at the note in his hand.

A heart that originally had expectations and longings suddenly had a loss.

That kind of loss is impossible to express, and there is no way to grasp it.

He tried his best to adjust his state to before Murong Xue appeared, tried his best to erase the period when that girl appeared from his memory, but he tried a few times, but all ended in failure.

Since this day, Prince Ling's Mansion has fallen into complete silence.

Even the servants could see that this time their prince was no longer waiting for the opportunity as before.

He was truly depressed, with no hope in his eyes anymore.


It was ten days later that Dongfang Ling's reply was received, which was much later than Murong Xue had calculated.

Someone had already told Yin Yi that the carrier pigeon had returned, but Yin Yi didn't intercept it.

I just told Chang Huan to take a peek at her reaction and report back.

He has done things like this, and the content of the reply letter wants to know what it will be like.

There is a little guilt in my heart, but only a little bit.

For Yin Yi, as long as Murong Xue can be kept, it is worthwhile to use some small tricks.

A girl took the pigeon, and Murong Xue opened the door as soon as she heard the sound.

She was smiling when she took down the note and stepped back, holding the things in her hand.

Just unfolding the paper, the smile froze immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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