Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 327 He said: Don't take it away, let me hold it

Chapter 327 He said: Don't take it away, let me hold it
Finally, the soldiers swarmed up and surrounded the assassins, and the deputy general Xue Rui picked up Dongfang Ling and hurried to the tent.

At the same time shouted——

"Prince Physician! Send it to the Physician!"

Six imperial physicians from the army filed in, and Dongfang Ling, who was placed on the bed, had half of his body turned into a bloody man.

There was remnant flesh on the shoulders turned out, the soldiers couldn't bear to look any longer, they all turned their heads away.

His own sword had already been taken off his hand, but the strange knife was firmly held by him, no matter how the imperial doctors tried to get it, there was no way to break it from his hand.

Dongfang Ling didn't faint, but just now was in an extreme daze.

It was only when he felt that someone was trying to take the knife out of his hand that he came back to his senses, then opened his eyes, shook his head slightly, and said:

"Don't take it away! Let me hold it!"

The imperial doctors didn't know what to do, so they had to turn their heads to look at the deputy general Xue Rui.

Dongfang Ling was seriously injured, and he was the one who could call the shots.

The sound of fighting outside the tent didn't stop, Xue Rui gritted his teeth fiercely, turned around, took the knife and walked outside the tent.

The imperial doctors had no choice but to let Dongfang Ling hold the knife, and then quickly began to treat the wound.

In ancient times, there were no quick-acting painkillers, and traditional Chinese medicine always came slowly, so when cleaning the wound, Dongfang Ling was still sweating from the pain.

But it seemed that he had a kind of self-hypnotic consciousness, no matter how painful it was, he kept silent, no matter how painful it was, he didn't even look at the wound.

He just stared at the knife in a daze, with puzzlement, doubts, and of course, more sadness.

From his clenched teeth, scattered sentences were squeezed out from time to time.

At first, people couldn't hear clearly, and they didn't understand what his words, which were only three or four words at most, meant.


Popular article series: "Concubine Secret Service 1: There is Feng Laiyi" [End] "Concubine Secret Service 2: My Concubine Is a Secret Service" [End]

All of them are Nini's works, they are finished, please feel free to watch!
(End of this chapter)

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