Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 334 One arm must also be useless

Chapter 334 One arm must also be useless
"... Yin Yi——" There was a sudden yell, no matter whether it was midnight or not, and no matter how many people could hear it, she just shouted with some unknown anger—"Yi Yi ! Come out and meet me!"

Unexpectedly, she would make such a fuss, Chang Huan stomped her feet angrily, but there was nothing she could do about it.

After a while, I heard a hermit's voice in the study room, it was reprimanding Chang Huan——

"Why don't you let Ah Zhu in? Chang Huan, you are getting bolder!"

While he was speaking, Murong Xue had stepped forward to push Chang Huan away, and then opened the door by herself, almost breaking into the hermit's study.

Her anger made Yin Yi feel a little guilty, because she seemed to have no reason to be angry unless she knew something.

But it's not like that, Murong Xue is not that kind of hysterical person when things happen, if she really knows something, I'm afraid she will directly and quietly... come and take his head!

When thinking this way, he subconsciously shuddered, not daring to think about it any further.

He always hoped that such a thing would never happen in his life. If he could really hide it from her for the rest of his life, he would really be willing to pay any price.

When Murong Xue came in, she saw two people.

A hermit, and a wounded.

The injured person was dripping blood all over his body, and in addition to being drenched by the rain, the floor of the house had already been covered with blood.

Seeing Murong Xue come in, the man turned his head and gave her a look, then lowered his head and bowed his body as a salute.

She recognized that it was a member of the Whistle Eagle Team, one of the three sent away by Yin Yi.

Now that he came back alone in this appearance, the result can be imagined.

"Failed?" No reason, Yin Yi, asked that person directly.

The man nodded, but immediately shook his head again, and said:
"Back to the girl, it's not a failure. Although the commander Yanchi didn't kill him, but his left shoulder was stabbed with a knife by his subordinates. I'm afraid that even an arm must be crippled."


I would like to recommend Ni’s good-looking article to everyone: "The Concubine of the Qingcheng Doctor Embraces the Emperor's Favor: The Palace Doctor Sighs" [End] - Legend has it that Yuwen Lingwu is a miracle doctor, and the gods can bring a bowl of soup and medicine five steps away, and she will be able to recover. Smell the medicinal materials and their names.However, she was unable to heal the trauma because——she was dizzy with blood!I wanted to practice medicine to help the world and live an ordinary life, but I met him unexpectedly.So, step into the palace, get involved in the strategy... the harem, battles, concubines, queens.Lingwu sighed, she only wanted to practice medicine, not Gongdou, okay? …

(End of this chapter)

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