Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 337 Murong Xue Feels Abnormal

Chapter 337 Murong Xue Feels Abnormal

The moment the Whistle Eagle Team member left the room just now, she suddenly had a thought: Yin Yi is hiding something from her!
She didn't know what she was hiding, but the feeling of being deceived was really bad.

With this thought together, I couldn't hold it back no matter what.

The desire to explore came up strongly, encouraging her to find out.

Originally, she wanted to follow the injured assassin all the way, but as soon as she left the yard, she felt soft footsteps behind her. She paused, then turned around, and climbed up to the eaves by a big tree.

It was almost no surprise to see Chang Huan. She knew that Chang Huan had been monitoring her for more than half a year, and she also knew that it must be hermit's idea.

At the beginning, she thought it was hermit who was afraid of her leaving, but as time went on, the strange feeling became more and more serious.

Gradually, she began to feel that it was not just to keep her from leaving. Hermitage seemed to have many secrets, and Chang Huan's monitoring was to prevent her from knowing these secrets.

She wasn't interested in secrets or not, if you don't let her know, then she won't know.

She stayed in Dongsheng just to avoid temporary disasters, even if Dongfang Ling said that he had more than one of her by his side, she would not be less, but she would leave one day.

A five-year contract can't just be broken up.

But it was different now, she gradually began to feel that the hermit's secret seemed to have a close relationship with her.

At this time, Chang Huan had already walked towards the racecourse, Murong Xue quietly touched the roof and followed behind deftly.

In this way, he followed Chang Huan all the way to the racecourse. The former saw that there was no one he was looking for at the racecourse, so he stood there and thought for a while, and then walked in another direction.

After following for a while, Murong Xue could tell that the direction was leading to the residence of the Whistle Eagle Team.


Today's update is complete, thank you for your support to Nini. For those who like to read the conclusion, I recommend you to watch the first two parts of Nini's "Secret Agent Series": "Secret Agent 1: Feng Laiyi" and "Secret Agent" 2: My Concubine Is an Agent", all of them are finished texts, you can enjoy watching~!

In addition, Ni's final article "The Concubine of the Allure Doctor Embraces the Emperor's Favor: The Palace Doctor Sighs" and "What Year Is the Eve of Qing Chuanzhi" are also very beautiful~
(End of this chapter)

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