Chapter 342
After taking a deep breath, he thought that he was finally going to give this thing to Dongfang Ling, but in his heart, it was like knocking over a bottle of mixed flavors, full of ups and downs.

Turning her head, she coldly swept towards the faintness on the bed.

The girl was looking at her with teary eyes.

She slowly closed her eyes, unable to bear it for a moment, but when she opened them again, she returned to her habitual expression of coldness like a poisonous scorpion.

"Thank you for having this waist card!" Zi Yang raised the things in his hands, "Otherwise it would not be easy for me to leave the palace and the city."

Tears streamed down Yinyao's eyes, she thought for a while, then stepped forward and reached out to wipe away the tears.

When doing this, Yinyao showed extreme panic, as if what she extended was not a hand, but a knife.

Seeing her fear, Murong Xue smiled coldly, parted her lips lightly, and said——

"You want to be alone when you laugh, but it's just a resemblance. I should kill you, and then kill all the people in this palace. But not now, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you now. Tell your prince brother, In this life, he is destined to pay a heavy price for the mistakes he made!"

Her words were squeezed out between her teeth. They were so cruel and cold, as if they came from hell, which made people feel chills all over their bodies.

After she said this, she didn't stay any longer, and walked out of the room in a blink of an eye.

After leaving the Xiyan Palace, I ran to the racecourse first.

After knocking out the guard, he pulled out the tamed white horse, raised his hand to smooth the mane, and said to himself:

"Go wandering with me! Let's not stay in this disgusting place, I will take you to find my master!"

As if the horse could understand her words, it rubbed against her side tightly, then bent down and waited for her to ride on it.

Murong Xue shook her head, pulled the reins and pulled the horse up, leading it towards the palace gate!
(End of this chapter)

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