Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 346 I Don’t Know If One of Your Arms Can Worth Dongfang Ling’s Injury

Chapter 346 I Don't Know If One Of Your Arms Can Worth Dongfang Ling's Injury

But memories are always good.

It's not that she doesn't understand hermit's thoughts, but unfortunately, he chose the wrong way.

There is a saying that Yin Yi said is right, when he met her...he was the first one.

But the beginning is not the best.

They have walked step by step to the present, and it seems that there is no reason for them to meet again.

Different road non-phase plan.

When the original intention runs counter to the reality, it is necessary to give up some things that cannot be done.


Sitting in the rain like this all night, the heavy rain stopped at the moment when the sky became white,
Murong Xue rubbed her sore nose, stood up and pulled the horse up, patted its back, and said helplessly:
"You have to run after me! If we don't see him for a day, we won't be safe for a day. I miss his arm very much, so...Thank you for your hard work!"

Horses can't understand human language, but they can feel the emotional fluctuations of their owners.

The white horse was also really up to the task, it drenched all night, but still carried Murong Xue on it without any regrets and continued to run northward desperately.

The Eagle Whistleblower member Lao Su who had escaped had a sentence that kept echoing in her ears.

The man said: The subordinate stabbed his left shoulder with a knife, and his arm must be useless!

The girl on the horseback gritted her teeth fiercely, and at the same time whispered a question to herself——

"Yan Yi, I don't know if one of your arms is worth Dongfang Ling's injury!"


Chang Huan personally led seven Whistle Eagle members out of the city to chase Murong Xue.

He knew that Murong Xue must have gone north to join Dongfang Ling when he left the city, so he led a group of people along the battle map.

It's a pity that they chased closely, and Murong Xue also ran fast.

At the very beginning, they were able to pursue purposefully along the horseshoe marks that did not disperse in the wilderness, but the heavy rain not only hindered the progress of both sides, but also successfully washed away the only trace .


Cough cough, do you play Sina Weibo?If you have fun, you can go there to follow Nini, whose name is "Yang Jiani".hey-hey!
(End of this chapter)

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