Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 348 Arrived at Ganyang City

Chapter 348 Arrived at Ganyang City

Finally arrived in Ganyang!

The moment she walked into the gate of the city, Murong Xue let out a long breath, feeling that half of the strength in her body was taken away at once.

Wearyly leading the horse along the street, I smelled the smell of meat, and realized that I hadn't eaten for at least two days.

He shook his head involuntarily, turned his head and patted the horse, and said to himself:

"It's good for you, you can eat grass along the way. Really, I'm starving to death."

While talking, he walked towards the steamed stuffed bun shop by the side of the road, took out a copper coin from his pocket, and handed it up, saying:
"Give me two buns."

Buying steamed stuffed buns is secondary, even if she is really hungry now, compared with serious business, it is not particularly important.

"Brother!" He smiled sweetly at the boy selling buns, and said, "Is there a war here a while ago? I heard that Yanchi's people came to Ganyang, but the people in the city are quite comfortable. What about the people in Yanchi?"

The boy had just handed the two steamed buns to her, and when she heard her question, she quickly withdrew her hand and shook her head again and again:


She blinked, puzzled and said:
"I'm just chatting with you, why are you so scared? What are you afraid of?"

The boy stomped his feet, looked around, lowered his voice and said:

"Little girl, if you buy buns, buy buns, don't hurt me, okay? Talking about war is a serious crime of beheading, who dares to tell you!"

Murong Xue was a little stunned, she really didn't understand why decapitation was necessary for discussing war.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, she didn't force it, she took the buns and ate while walking, and found some other opportunities to ask others.

But almost all the people in Ganyang City reacted to the Xiaoer who sold the buns, either shaking their heads or simply running away, and no one mentioned the battle between Dongsheng and Yanchi.

She had no choice but to keep moving forward, thinking about finding an inn to stay.

(End of this chapter)

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