Chapter 355 good show staged

She was waiting quietly, waiting for the good show in the secret passage under the bed to be staged.

One hand took out the flint from the sleeve, and threw it up and down, like a hunter with a harness ready to wait for his prey, unexpectedly so at ease, so confident.

Not long after, there was a slight sound below, like a mouse drilling a hole, rustling.

The people at the table sneered, straightened their bodies, and looked forward to what would happen next.

Finally, the noise accelerated, and there was only a "poof", and the sound bed board was suddenly pierced by a sharp weapon, and half of the blade appeared from the top layer of the quilt.

She didn't even move, she just watched with her eyes helplessly that after that knife, there were countless sharp weapons stabbing up at the same time, there were knives and swords, all of them were extremely sharp.

It's just that no one stabbed the foreign object, and the people below were also suspicious. I don't know who took the lead to lift the bed board. Murong Xue clearly saw that, including Chang Huan, a total of six people poked out half of the bed from under the bed. position.

Those few people didn't see Murong Xue, and no one thought that there would be someone sitting on the table and waiting.

But I heard one of them say:

"Oops! That girl ran away!"

Chang Huan was so angry that he patted the edge of the bed and scolded:
"Damn it! I said that girl is very cunning, she must have seen something showing her feet, and she ran away first!"

"Then what should we do? Chase or not?"

Someone was asking, when suddenly another person said:
"Huh? No, just now I smelled the greasy smell under the bed. Huanzi also said it was the smoke from the kitchen, but when you touch the wall, why is it full of oil?"

As soon as the words came out, Chang Huan suddenly yelled——

"Not good!" Then he was about to retract his body.

It's a pity that the opponent didn't give her a chance to escape.

I saw Murong Xue raised her hand, "Shua, Shua, Shua", several silver needles looked at the six people as if they had eyes, and flew away.

(End of this chapter)

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