Chapter 364
While thinking, the two guards had already walked away.

She got up and stood at the door of her cell, and listened carefully, only to hear the whistling wind. Not long after, the door of the cell was chaotic, and someone began to shout——

"It's not good! Someone is robbing the cell! Come on..."

Before he finished shouting, he heard a "pop", followed by the sound of a heavy body falling to the ground.

She knew that someone had died, and as the man fell to the ground, the guards in the cell also realized that they all gathered at the door, and began to fight the thief with real knives and guns.

Although she still doesn't know who the person who robbed the prison is, but Murong Xue understands that this matter has nothing to do with her, and it is most likely aimed at her.

Just as he was thinking, the guards in the cell could no longer hold back and began to retreat step by step.

Those night-masked men chased after them, forcing the guards back into the prison.

Murong Xue didn't want to go out, nor did she want anything to happen in this prison.

Regardless of whether the person came to rob her or not, she didn't want any mistakes to occur while she was in prison.

Didn't it mean that she had already reported to Dongfang Ling?

While thinking this way, a man in black who came close suddenly slashed open the lock of the prison door, then stepped forward and grabbed her arm, and said in a deep voice:

"Girl, we are here to save you!"

She rolled her eyes and sneered——

"Save me?" With a flick of his wrist, he deftly struggled to free himself from the man's hand, and then said, "Who wants you to save me? I don't even ask this girl if she wants to go out!"

"Oh girl!" The man stomped his feet, "We are from His Highness Ling Wang, and we came to rescue you under the order of Ling Wang!"

"King Ling?" Murong Xue couldn't help laughing out loud as if she heard the funniest joke in the world. "You King Ling really has a sense of elegance! Come to the prison in your own country to pretend to be a thief and rob people! This play is too fake!"

(End of this chapter)

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