Chapter 372 Too Romantic
Dongfang Ling's voice continued:

"If the enemy soldiers make a sneak attack, we can fight, but the casualties will be heavy. I don't want to fight that kind of battle where the enemy dies a thousand and the enemy is injured eight hundred! Someone came to report that night that a girl had revealed the imperial list, and she After talking about it, I knew it must be you. I brought someone over to look at it overnight, but found that someone had robbed the cell before me. I thought something was wrong, so I sent someone to investigate, and soon I found out it was People from Dongsheng sneaked into the city. I and the soldiers split into several groups to chase, my horse was fast, and I was easily singled out, but I didn't expect to rescue you who was unconscious in the lower reaches of the Datong River. "

Murong Xue was a little fascinated when she heard that, she has never believed in the theory of fate, even when watching those movies and TV shows in her previous life, her companion Wei Lai pointed to the picture on the screen and said to her: Look at the scorpion, it's so fucking It's romantic.

But in fact, romance is the most sincere expression of emotion.

Even if you think it is too boring, there will always be a few vulgarities in one's life.

She nodded, sniffing her nose, the sorrow from just now was still there, but there were no tears anymore.

Crying is a good way to vent when necessary, but it should not be used frequently. Too much crying will make people naturally weak.

Besides, that wasn't her Murong Xue's style either.

"But can I go back to Yanchi?" I finally asked, "I'm sorry, I saved Yin Yi from the Third Highness on my own at that time, and I must have caused you a lot of trouble."

Dongfang Ling shook his head, expressing that he didn't care.

He has never been afraid of trouble and has the ability to solve it perfectly.

For example, this time, even though he was imprisoned in Prince Ling's Mansion for several months, in the end, he was still entrusted with the important task of fighting the enemy.

He had figured it out a long time ago, with Dongfang Han's ability, there was no way to win this battle. Sooner or later, Emperor Wu would shift the imbalanced balance back to his side.

(End of this chapter)

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