Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 376 I'm Just Afraid of Losing

Chapter 376 I'm Just Afraid of Losing

Watching Xiyao run away, Murongxue walked to Dongfang Ling's side expressionlessly, pulled a small stool and sat down, the two of them stood shoulder to shoulder, looked at each other and smiled.

"It turns out that you are even more domineering than me!" Dongfang Ling laughed suddenly, with a satisfied joy in that smile, which did not conceal his good mood.

Murong Xue was not as interested as him, she just looked at him ecstatically, until the other party stopped smiling, then she sighed and turned her head again.

"What's the matter?" He asked her, and he stretched out his hand naturally to straighten the corner of her dress.

She sighed:
"I didn't mean to scare that girl, I was just too afraid of losing. Dongfang Ling, you don't know, you don't know the pain of losing all your loved ones, you don't even know that when I learned that those assassins were not going to kill Dongfang Han but yours At that time, my heart died."

As she said this, one hand subconsciously pressed towards her heart, as if the faint pain that often occurred in Dongsheng came back again, so uncomfortable.

Dongfang Ling stretched out his arms and took her into his arms.

Subconsciously, he stroked her cheek with his palm, but found that there were no tears there.

He smiled wryly, only saying that he mistook her for a weak girl again, and forgot how strong she was.

"I understand." He said, "I understand. Don't worry, Xue, I will make up for what you lost. Everything! Everything!"

He naturally remembered her background, and the people who were sent to the slave room were all family members who had been changed and had no relatives or reasons.

He thought it was because of this that she expressed the feeling of losing all her relatives, but he didn't know that what she missed was the Murong family who died in another time and space.

What's more, she didn't know that it was because of a sudden change in her family that she was brought back to the Ninth Operation Division of the National Security Bureau, which was full of politics.


Just after noon, Xiyao's father came back from picking medicine.

This was the first time Murong Xue saw him. He was an old man in his early sixties, in good spirits, and his body was considered strong.

(End of this chapter)

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