Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 382 Joining forces against the enemy

Chapter 382 Joining forces against the enemy
No matter how powerful the two of them are, it is impossible to fight against so many people at the same time.

Even if he is not killed by the opponent, sooner or later he will be exhausted by this wave of people.

While thinking about it, he didn't stop moving, and rushed directly to the kitchen door.

At this time, some soldiers rushed in ahead of him, but it was a pity that he was forced to retreat after half a step in.

"Ah!" The retreating soldiers yelled - "I'm burnt to death!"

He looked over and saw that boiling water was pouring out from the kitchen, scalding the ten or so people who entered in front.

Immediately afterwards, a girl in white came out, and at the same time, several silver lights flashed in front of her, successfully causing six enemies to fall to the ground in an instant.

Dongfang Ling immediately went forward to meet her and stood with her. When the visitor saw that the master had appeared, the leader greeted her, and countless people swarmed forward. There was a sea of ​​people, and the small courtyard was full.

Everyone was too close, Murong Xue couldn't make a hidden weapon.

Besides, there were not many needles in the brocade bag, so she could only hold six of them between the fingers of both hands, practicing close combat with the visitor.

Her current physical strength is much better than before, at least she won't be exhausted to death after several fights.

But going on like this is not a way out, seeing as one group is knocked down, another group will rush up again. These soldiers will never finish fighting and killing them, appearing in front of them one by one like a magic trick.

But her teaming up with Dongfang Ling still gave him a lot of shock.

They only knew that Murong Xue was difficult to deal with, but they didn't expect that there was a man who was more powerful than her by her side.

The man only moved one arm and didn't even hold a weapon, but after nearly a hundred rounds of fighting, no one could get close to him.

Gradually, there were more and more corpses under their feet.

Even if there are still some half-dead, they will be trampled to death by friends or foes in the next moment.

(End of this chapter)

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