Chapter 386

The hands that raised the saber and sword were still in the air, but the ambush soldiers behind them didn't give them too much time to be dazed.

Long arrows struck from all directions again, shooting through the enemies one by one with precision.

Dongfang Ling protected Murong Xue behind his back, even though he clearly knew that she was not a woman who needed to be protected, but at some point, she had already become his responsibility.

Whether she needs it or not is her business, and he has the final say on whether to do it or not.

"My lord!" A voice suddenly came from nowhere.

The arrows coming from the air seemed to have eyes, avoiding the two of them one after another, and all attacked the enemy soldiers.

Dongfang Ling's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help but let out a long breath of relief.

"One of our own?" She poked her head forward and asked carefully.

He nodded, and then responded loudly——

"This king is here!"


With this shout, the situation in front of him changed subversively in an instant.

I don't know who suddenly threw a human head over. Some soldiers looked down, and suddenly found that it was the face of Dongsheng's coach who couldn't rest assured.

Dongsheng's soldiers, who had an absolute advantage, suddenly lost their backbone. Coupled with the incoming sharp arrows from all directions, thousands of soldiers and horses were thrown into chaos in an instant.

People ran away one after another, no longer caring about their original goals.

This battle with a huge disparity in numbers lasted for more than an hour, but it only took one stick of incense from the turn of the battle to the complete end.

Murong Xue saw with a wry smile that there was no living enemy in front of her, and couldn't help giving a thumbs up to the soldiers who rushed to salute Dongfang Ling——

"If you come one step later, your prince's body will have to be collected."

The soldier didn't see the face of the blood-covered girl clearly until now, he couldn't help but startled, and then realized that this should be the person Yan Chi and Dongfang Ling were looking for!
(End of this chapter)

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