Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 389 Want to meet?Ask the sword in my hand!

Chapter 389 Want to meet?Ask the sword in my hand!
As he spoke, he kowtowed to the ground.

Dongfang Ling motioned for the soldiers to raise their hands to help, but saw Xiyao staring blankly at his father, in a daze.

Yes, she was in a trance.

People who were living together just a moment ago now have to be treated with such great courtesy.

This sudden change of identity made Xiyao a little overwhelmed, but it also made her more aware that the distance between herself and Dongfang Ling was gradually widening, bit by bit, until it was impossible to have any more. any intersection.

Her heart was tightly pulled together, the pain was beyond words.

Seeing Xibo get up, Dongfang Ling said again:
"You can't live in this place. This king will arrange a new home for you. Don't worry, I, Dongfang Ling, will never treat my benefactors badly."

After finishing speaking, he didn't stay any longer, covered the bleeding wound on his shoulder with one hand and dragged Murong Xue to the carriage with the other hand.

Some soldiers helped him into the car first, and Murong Xue also jumped up nimbly.

Just about to lift the curtain to enter the carriage, Xiyao, who was standing not far below, suddenly yelled again——

"Master Ling! Can we meet again?"

She was suddenly very annoyed, and the irritability that had been suppressed in her heart for the past few days came out again.

So he turned around and suddenly said:

"Actually, whether we can meet or not, God doesn't count, and Dongfang Ling doesn't count."

Just as he was talking, a soldier happened to come forward and hand over a cloak and a bottle of wound medicine.

Instead of picking it up, she bent down and pulled out the saber from the man's waist.

The next moment, without even thinking about it, he shook his hand and threw it away.

The sword flew straight towards Xiyao, so fast that one could hardly see the real thing, only felt a flash of white light, and the next moment, a piece of Xiyao's long hair was cut off.

She was frightened, and fell to the ground with a thump of the sword light coming at him, unable to make a sound for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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