Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 395 Stitching the wound

Chapter 395 Stitching the wound

Dongfang Ling has been staring at her movements, she doesn't say anything, and he doesn't ask.

Murong Xue knew that she was curious, and when she was about to pick up the spool to go online, she leisurely opened her mouth——

"I said I used this needle and thread to sew up your wound. I wasn't joking." After measuring the length of the thread, he tore it off with his hand, raised it in front of his eyes, and said, "Seriously, are you afraid?" ?”

"Not afraid!" He still shook his head, "You will never harm me, there is nothing to be afraid of."

She smiled lightly, and suddenly raised her left hand to touch the acupuncture points on his shoulder.

Dongfang Ling only felt a numbness in his shoulder, and then lost consciousness in the back half of his body.

Murong Xue hurried forward, quickly and carefully removed the cotton cloth wrapped around his wound, and then wiped off the freshly applied medicine.

When she finally started to sew, she still said uneasy:

"Close your eyes!"

Dongfang Ling ignored her, but lowered her head and stared at the needle and thread in her hand seriously.

She didn't insist anymore, if she really closed her eyes and didn't dare to look, then it wouldn't be Dongfang Ling.

This is the most common wound management method in surgery, and she knows it, but she has never practiced it herself.

In other words, she doesn't know how, she just saw, heard, and asked professionals.

Dongfang Ling became her clinical No.1, but the little girl didn't hesitate at all, her hands were steady and precise, fine needles and threads flew through her hands, and sewed densely into his flesh.

Although the acupoints are sealed, one can still feel the discomfort of a foreign body piercing into the flesh.

But he is Dongfang Ling, and this little pain won't cause a slight change in his mood.

Murong Xue's stitches are very thin. The stitching method is different from sewing clothes. It is very special. It is neatly arranged in a row, and the special interlacing method buries the threads in the flesh. little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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