Chapter 399 Surrounded

At first she wanted to escape from this imperial palace, but after giving up the idea of ​​escaping, now that she came back here, she was inexplicably kind.

Are you used to it?

Just like the National Security Agency in the past, she wanted to escape every night at the beginning.

But when she found out that it was impossible to even commit suicide in that place, she also gave up the idea of ​​escaping.

If I don't run away, I have to accept it wholeheartedly. After accepting it, I realize that it turns out that living in a different way is also a lot of fun.

She has everything but freedom.

Seeing her in a daze, Dongfang Ling, who was sitting in the same car, raised his hand and shook it in front of her eyes, then whispered:

She looked back and understood that he was asking herself if she was worried about danger.

Murong Xue shook her head,
"Don't worry. Anyway, with you here, what can happen?"

A faint response, but a firm statement of trust in Dongfang Ling.

He smiled. In fact, he knew that this girl was not afraid of danger, she just didn't like trouble.

For the prince who brought the four cities back to the palace, the whole Eryanchi paid great attention to it.

Emperor Wu personally greeted him in front of the main hall, but after accepting his son's prostration, the guards rushed forward and surrounded Murong Xue.

Dongfang Ling raised his head and looked straight at Emperor Wu.

Even Emperor Wu, who had been through the storm, had to be shocked by such a sharp gaze.

But it's not fear, it's just a shock.

Dongfang Lingtai looks like him, if you go back a few decades, he is almost the same as him.

The two just stared at each other without speaking.

But Dongfang Han who was standing aside couldn't hold back the hatred in his heart, and spoke first.

He said:

"Second brother! Since you have brought back the imperial court violation, why haven't you handed it over to the emperor? Everyone knows that the second brother is a cold-faced prince who hates evil, but I didn't expect you to treat the prisoner very well!"

(End of this chapter)

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