Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 402 I Give You Something Better, For You, Not Yanchi

Chapter 402 I Give You Something Better, For You, Not Yanchi

Someone inadvertently discussed Dongfang Ling's injury outside, and she happened to pass by, and the girl with sharp ears heard someone mentioning her name in a low voice.

If you listen carefully, the man is saying:

"It's that Murong Xue, I heard that she made the knife that hurt the prince..."

She didn't listen any more and walked away quickly.

Although it is not enough to hold grudges against that servant, but he has plans to remind Biqing to strictly discipline the servant when he sees Biqing again.

Dongfang Ling's people, how can they gossip everywhere like ordinary servants.

Since he walked to the door of Dongfang Ling's study, he had just returned from the court, and the door was open, as if he was waiting for her to enter.

Biqing was standing outside, seeing her coming, she nodded with a smile, pointed to the room, and said:
"Go in quickly! The prince seems to want to find you."
When she entered the room, Dongfang Ling signaled her to close the door, then pulled her to the desk, thought for a while, and said:

"That knife, can you still draw it like that?"

Murong Xue blinked, and saw it pointing to her shoulder again, and then realized that what he was talking about was the saber.

"Of course." She said, but immediately asked: "What are you painting it for?"

"Naturally, it was built by a large number of people." Dongfang Ling sat in a chair, "Dongsheng has that thing, if we don't have it, we will definitely suffer a lot."

Murong Xue thought for a while, then nodded,
"That's true. Although Yin Yi will definitely build a large number of them, it must be ensured that the two Qihus are evenly matched."

As she spoke, she rolled her eyes and looked at Dongfang Ling——

"But don't worry, Dongsheng won't take advantage of it. I will give you a better gift—" After a pause, he lowered his voice, and then said: "But it's not for Yanchi, but for you! For yourself! Dongfang Ling——" She leaned forward, almost lying on the table, her eyes were so bright that no one could ignore her. "You have to cultivate your own influence. Companion to a king is like a tiger. Who knows that your father will not want to see you again one day."

(End of this chapter)

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