Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 407 Murong Shuang Lost

Chapter 407 Murong Shuang Lost

But after she called Sister Biqing, the girl suddenly showed a sad expression, and looked at Murong Xue with a deep apology.

"What's wrong?" She could see the other party's emotional changes, but she didn't understand why.

"Miss Xue, I'm sorry." The protruding apology confused Murong Xue even more.

she shook her head,
"I don't understand, why are you apologizing to me?"

"Miss Xue." Bi Qing was in a dilemma, she hesitated for a long time before she could say it, but she said, "Murong lost."

"Huh?" She suddenly widened her eyes and didn't understand her words for a while. "What?"

Biqing sighed softly, and said again:

"On New Year's Eve, your horse was frightened and ran out of the city, and the prince chased after it. But at the same time, Miss Shuang's horse was also frightened. Everyone was only looking for you, which delayed her. We have been running I was looking for it, but I searched all over the capital, but I didn’t see anyone. It’s been almost a year now..."

At this point in the voice, I didn't say any more, but the meaning is already obvious, that is to say, it's been almost a year, and people probably can't find it.

Murong Xue stood in the yard in a daze for a long time, the news that Biqing brought was really a bit of a surprise to her.

How deep is her affection for Murong Shuang?Not really.

For nearly a year, she didn't even think of her much.

That is the younger sister of this body, which has nothing to do with her soul in another time and space.

It's just that the child has suffered too much, and she wants to do her part for this body, that's all.

I thought that the child lived well in Ling Wang's mansion, even if he was unhappy, at least he would not have to suffer from those hardships.

As an elder sister, she doesn't have much ability, but she can finally give her a sense of security, and even give her a lifetime of prosperity.

have no choice……

"I thought she could live a good life." The girl said softly, "It's a's a pity..."

(End of this chapter)

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