Chapter 416 Willingly
At that time, Murong Xue wanted to die wholeheartedly, and wanted to end this life with her family.

But the officer took her away, and on the tenth day when she refused to step into the compound of the National Security Bureau, they took her to the funeral of the Murong family.

The funeral was organized by the foreign political department entrusted by the National Security Bureau. Not only did it take great pains to put together the broken limbs that had been bombed, but it also gave the Murong family the most solemn mourning ceremony.

So she surrendered.

And, willingly.


The Imperial Guard's training is in the palace, after a month, Murong Xue will occasionally go there to have a look.

But it doesn't appear often, Dongfang Ling understands that she is testing the reactions of the soldiers.

Anyone who can enter the palace as a guard is naturally not a fool.

Almost everyone in the palace knew that there was such a person as Murong Xue.

She is neither a master nor a slave, but everyone understands that she is protected by Dongfang Ling, and no one can touch her.

Murong Xue tested it a few times, and seeing that no one complained about her coming to the training ground as a girl, she came more often.

Dongfang Ling intentionally created opportunities for her, although he himself didn't quite understand why, but he just wanted to let Murong Xue also gain a little more prestige in the Imperial Guard besides himself.

Today, the training program of the Imperial Army is riding and shooting.

Dongfang Ling took the lead and rode his horse around the field under the watchful eyes of the generals. At the same time, with one hand behind his back, he held three long arrows and put them on the string.

The soldiers all stared wide-eyed and fired three arrows at once, which is not something anyone can do.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were a little confused, not knowing whether to look at Dongfang Ling's fully drawn bow, or at the arrow target tens of feet away.

Murong Xue curled her lips into a smile, she knew that Dongfang Ling had chosen the right method.

Only by letting the other party see your strength, can he be convinced willingly.

This is the kind of hero complex that human beings have in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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