Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 428 Successful Surgery

Chapter 428 Successful Surgery
I have to admire Murong Xue's carefulness, on the way back to the palace after leaving the Wei family, she saw a shop selling sweets, she left, went to pick out a few of them herself, and then asked the maid to send them back to the Wei family.

She knew that children would definitely feel pain when they woke up. There were no good anesthetics in ancient times, but it was good to use some delicious food to distract attention.


In the past few days, Murong Xue would visit Wei's house every day, and sometimes Wei Liang would be at home even if he was not on business.

Every time she comes here, she will bring some food, which is always expensive and delicious. The Wei family only smells its fragrance and has never tasted it.

The reason for buying these is mainly to stimulate Li'er's sense of taste nerves, once the child's energy is distracted by the fragrant things, he will no longer pay attention to the discomfort in the eyes.

Finally on the fifth day, Murong Xue calculated that it was almost done, so she personally removed the cotton cloth wrapped around the child's eyes.

Following her movements, the hearts of the women who were watching were pulled into one place.

She understood that if she didn't succeed this time, there would be no hope for her daughter's eye disease.

Finally, all the cotton cloth wrapped around the eyes was removed.

The girl couldn't adapt to the strong light for a while, so she subconsciously blocked it with her hand, but was stopped by Murong Xue.

She raised her hand herself to cover her from the glare.

After a while, I could finally get used to the light.

The child slowly opened his eyes, the woman's body was trembling, but she hurriedly opened her mouth and asked:
"Li'er, have you seen your mother?"

Murong Xue naturally knew in her heart, knowing that her eyes must be able to see clearly.

So before their mother and daughter's emotions erupted, they hurriedly said:

"Just say you can see it or not, don't cry, don't shed tears." Then he turned to the woman and warned her very seriously: "Your emotions will be contagious to Li Er, her eyes have just improved , Absolutely don’t shed tears. If you want your daughter to be good, take back your tears.”

(End of this chapter)

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