Chapter 439
Those two simple words turned the three of them into petrifaction.

Dongfang Ling and Dongfang Yang were better, especially Dongfang Ling, when Murong Xue decided to come, he knew that there was something wrong with his leg.

But this news was too unexpected for Pin Yu. For 14 years, all she saw from all the doctors were shaking her head and sighing, or throwing down the sentence "Do your best to obey the destiny".

No one had ever dared to nod to her so firmly, saying that she could be saved.

She watched her son grow from an innocent child to a young man, until now, Dongfang Hao's face has long been mature that does not match his age.

She knew that he had lost too much happiness, although Dongfang Hao tried his best not to let his gloomy emotions show, even though Dongfang Hao tried his best to greet everyone with a smile.

But she is a mother, and she can still hear the long sighs coming from her son's room in the dead of night.

After so many years of guilt, she finally heard the sound of "rescue", and Yu Yu felt that a light suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. This eye-catchingly beautiful girl is really a fairy in the sky, a fairy who specially saves her son.

"Miss, are you joking?" Dongfang Hao was also in disbelief. Seeing Dongfang Yang supporting his mother who was shaking a little due to excitement, he hurriedly asked again: "Is my leg really saved?"

Murong Xue turned around, nodded at him, blinked her eyes mischievously, and said——

"I never speak big words, if you don't believe me, ask your second brother!"

He really cast his eyes on Dongfang Ling, and seeing him nodding, his eyes widened, showing endless surprise.

"My God!" He said, "How is it possible? You can do things that the imperial doctors can't help?" Looking at his injured leg again, he wanted to straighten it hard, but he was tired and sweated after all. In vain. "It is said that my injury was brought out in the womb. Is there a cure for this natural lameness?"

(End of this chapter)

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