Chapter 441 Varicose Veins
After entering the room, she took the initiative to speak, but said:
"I'm here to borrow a pen and paper."

He shrugged, pointed at the desk, and signaled him to do it himself.

She was not polite, walked to the desk, took a pen and spread the paper, thought for a while, and began to write quickly.

Not long after, a list was made.

She handed the things to Dongfang Ling and said:
"have a look."

He stretched out his hand to take it, it's okay not to look at it, but after seeing it, even as calm as him, he had to widen his eyes, it took a long time to recover, and then said:
"Scissors? Daggers? Fishing line? Long knives? What are you writing about?"

Then he looked at a sketch next to the handwriting. It was a round tube, divided into two sections, and there was a needle-like thing on it.

he doesn't understand,
"what is this?"

"We call it a needle tube." She explained, "It's just not made of this material." Pointing to the drawing, "It should be a transparent material, but you don't have it here, so you can only use wood instead. "

"Where are you? Where?" Murong Xue occasionally asked similar words, which made Dongfang Ling a little curious. It felt like they were people from two worlds. He couldn't hear what she said. Understand.

"Forget it, don't talk about that."

Murong Xue waved her hand, took the paper in her hand again, walked to the door, and explained to Bi Qing, who took the paper and turned away.

When she returned to the study, she took the initiative to talk to Dongfang Ling about the fifth prince's condition.

she says:

"There is a lump on his leg, but it's not a normal vein, but a vein, which is the big tendon we often see. Speaking of it, this disease is not easy to be born with, and most of it is acquired. For example, people stand for a long time, or work that puts heavy load on the legs. But this is impossible for the prince, so I think, most of the time, the midwife was careless during the delivery, and the child was pulled inappropriately. That caused the veins in his legs to mutate."

(End of this chapter)

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