Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 451 Sealing Princess Luoxue

Chapter 451 Sealing Princess Luoxue

Then he cleared his throat and said loudly:

"Murong Xue accepts the order!"

As soon as the words came out, everyone froze for a moment.

But Dongfang Ling reacted quickly enough, and immediately thought of why this decree was issued.

So he signaled her to pick it up with his eyes, stood up himself, stepped back a few steps behind her and knelt down again.

Dongfang Ling thought of it, and Murong Xue naturally thought of it too.

Emperor Wu owed her a promise. Today is New Year's Eve, and the eunuch who delivered the decree was kind again. Presumably, it was good news.

"Murong Xue accepts the order!" She kowtowed obediently, waiting for the eunuch to read it out.

Seeing that everyone was kneeling down, the eunuch held the imperial decree in his hand, and said in a high-pitched voice:
"By God's blessing, the emperor's decree said. Murongxue has made great achievements in curing the fifth prince's leg disease. My relatives pardoned him from slavery, granted her the title of Princess Luoxue, rewarded her with a reward of ten thousand taels, and chose a day to build the princess mansion..."

After the serious business is announced, there will be routine praises.

Murong Xue sighed in her heart, this person's fate is really strange, her life, which was exchanged for five years of freedom, unexpectedly became the princess of Yanchi Kingdom by accident.

While thinking wildly, the eunuch's will has been read out.

After she took over the imperial decree and stood up, the eunuch quickly knelt back, and then flatteringly said:
"Slave pays respects to Princess Luoxue!"

Murong Xue hurriedly raised her hand to help, Dongfang Ling followed suit, and ordered someone to order an ingot of gold.

At the same time, several palace slaves who came with the eunuch also walked in, and brought two large boxes to the crowd and put them down.

The eunuch smiled and pointed at the box and said:
"This is the [-] taels of gold rewarded by the palace. As for the construction of the Princess Mansion, the emperor said, please take the trouble to choose the site, any place is fine. After the selection is completed, report to the Ministry of Industry!"

Dongfang Ling nodded in response, but Murong Xue rolled her eyes at this moment and said:
"Don't worry, I've already chosen the place!"

(End of this chapter)

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