Chapter 457 Two gifts
Not only can't it be done, but there is no way to show Biqing's calmness.

With her temperament, it is best not to kill anyone.

It's just that I don't know if Bi Qing's temperament will explode one day, or in other words, the time she killed Gu An was already considered her explosion.

No matter what, she still couldn't be too indifferent to Biqing.

That was the first person who treated her well after coming to ancient times, if not well, at least he was calm.

At that time, Dongfang Ling only regarded her as a slave, and only Biqing took good care of her.

No matter how ruthless a person is, there is no way to hate the original kindness.

This night, light sleep.


On the first day of the new year, the princes will go to the palace to wish the emperor and the concubines in the palace a new year.

Dongfang Ling entered the palace early in the morning, and she followed to thank her for the title of "Princess Luoxue".

After thanking the Holy Grace, Murong Xue didn't follow the princes to visit the new year everywhere, but stayed directly at Mo Yunxuan, and went out of the palace together when Dongfang Ling came back.

The princes walked around for a long time, and it didn't end until the afternoon.

When Dongfang Ling came back, he brought her two gifts.

One is a pair of pendants made of fine jadeite with two small Chinese characters for "Snow", which is extremely delicate.

The other was a fingernail-sized orb in a small box.

Seeing Murong Xue showing doubts about this thing, Dongfang Ling shook the cloak behind him, wrapping the two of them together with the bead in it.

Murong Xue was startled, and was about to push him away, but suddenly saw the small beads in the box glow faintly with the surrounding environment turning black.

Although the light is not as dazzling as the "A Tong's Bead", it is still amazing enough.

When Dongfang Ling put down her cloak, she opened her mouth to ask——

"Who gave these two things?"

(End of this chapter)

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