Chapter 474 Test Xiyao
"Forget it! You are welcome to come to me! You are also a princess now, and there is no need to follow the etiquette."

Murong Xue shook her head, although the other party said so, she still saluted him.

It's just that she is not a slave now, so the big gift can naturally be avoided.

"The empress is an elder, she deserves this gift." When she straightened up, she also spoke softly.

It was the first time that two beautiful people faced each other at close range, and they both had to praise each other from the bottom of their hearts.

"I'm here to thank Empress Jinpin for her gift during the Chinese New Year. Murongxue and Empress don't have much contact with each other in normal times. It's really a bit embarrassing to hold such a beautiful and precious thing!"

Pin Jin waved her hand, and let people into the room while saying:

"What's wrong with you? No one said that. I usually have few people in contact with me. Even the emperor is used to my temperament. There is nothing I can do. Fortunately, Yu'er is not as dull as I am! He likes you. You can also play with him, that's what I'm happiest, so you can accept the beads with peace of mind!"

Concubine Jin always has a faint smile when she speaks, this kind of smile is actually very official, that kind of feeling that is neither far nor near.

For a moment, Murong Xue saw a trace of familiarity in her eyebrows.

But it was only for a moment, and when I looked at it carefully, the feeling disappeared.

The two chatted briefly, and Murong Xue proposed to take Yu'er to Mo Yunxuan to play.

Pin Jin nodded with a smile, and let her take the child there.

Seeing the background of the two children leaving, Jinpin's eyes suddenly became wet.

Once upon a time, she had such a childhood...

(End of this chapter)

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