Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 477 Ah Tong's feat

Chapter 477 Ah Tong's feat

Dongfang Ling's words made sense, she stopped arguing and just followed him into the palace.

The servants in the courtyard were not surprised when they saw Murong Xue, after all she often played with Dongfang Yu, and people were already used to seeing her.

But Dongfang Ling also came, which was quite unexpected.

Concubine Jin never liked to deal with people, even during the Chinese New Year, the princes would withdraw immediately after paying New Year's greetings.

Right now, Dongfang Ling came with him, and the servants didn't know whether he was looking for the empress or His Highness, and they didn't know whether he was just accompanying him along the way or came here specially.

"Mother Li!" Murong Xue spoke first, "Let's report to Empress Jin, and tell the Second Highness to see you!"

Before the old mother could respond, she saw a young palace lady walking out of the main hall, gave a shallow salute to the two of them, and then said:
"My lord, my princess! Your Majesty is inviting you two in!"

The two looked at each other, only saying that Dongfang Ling's guess was right.

Regarding the matter of Ah Tong, it's time for someone who knows the truth to come out and talk about it.

It was just that the two of them were selected as the object of confidance, which was unexpected at the beginning.

The two entered side by side, and then the maid led them into the inner room of the main hall.

But seeing that Concubine Jin was sitting on the imperial concubine chair, looking at the two of them, she smiled faintly.

What a pair of people!
She sighed in her heart.

The confrontation between Dongfang Ling and Murong Xue seemed to bring her back to those days.

At that time, she also walked into the palace calmly.When I saw the person who was going to marry, I felt a little joy, but I also knew that after the joy, I would be lonely for half my life.

No matter how much favor the royal family has, it is not complete. If possible, she would rather follow her elder sister Tong, burn down the house, and run away from then on.

"Concubine Jin!" Dongfang Ling saluted respectfully, successfully pulling her back from her thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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