Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 499 Eight Dead Soldiers

Chapter 499 Eight Dead Soldiers

But this "gun" is not a "gun" in the true sense. It has been improved by a woman, and the ammunition that should have been contained in it has been replaced with silver needles.

For these 100 people, each needle is specially made, and their names are engraved on the tail.

It is to allow them to see which needle falls on them during training, so as to find their own weaknesses and gradually strengthen them.

Murong Xue looked at those confident soldiers who were still standing in place, and those who had already run to the front with a hint of worry, she couldn't help but smile slightly.

It's been three years!
Ever since she became the scorpion, Dongfang Ling selected a hundred dead soldiers from the imperial guards and the Jiumen capital.

They don't belong to any of Yanchi's teams now, they only belong to him, Dongfang Ling.

Oh, or rather, it belonged to her too.

Dongfang Ling not only pulled these people out of their original positions, but also made a fake identity for each of them under her prompt, including their names.

And the original one had already been circled with the word "death" in the compilation name book!
She told Dongfang Ling at the beginning that since he was a dead soldier, besides the overall quality of the soldier and his loyalty to his side, the most important thing was to let him have nothing to worry about.

This is an important basis for the National Security Agency to select agents!
Dongfang Ling asked her at the time, what is no care and no care?

She replied: no relatives, no reasons, just now no worries and no worries.

Therefore, these one hundred people are all orphans without parents or relatives.

They are even withdrawn and have no friends.

But the more such a person is, if you give him a favor, he will repay you with a hundredfold ability.

Dongfang Ling was a good master, he found a good house for them to live in, hired a special cook to cook for them, and their monthly allowance was three times more than when he was in the army.

Of course, their residences are arranged together, just like in a military camp, everyone is in a large courtyard, but they have their own rooms, instead of having many people squeezed into one bed as before.

(End of this chapter)

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