Chapter 502
Murong Xue would also teach him some life-saving kung fu when he was free. Xiao An worked hard and learned quickly.

At this time, when he heard him calling Dongfang Ling to invite her back, the girl couldn't help but raised her eyebrows and said:
"Why are you rushing me now?"

She knew that Dongfang Ling would seldom send someone to interrupt her training of the 100 hidden guards if there was no real emergency.

Hearing her question, Xiao An shook her head directly, and said:
"This servant doesn't know either, but the prince ordered a few people and said he wanted everyone to prepare for a long trip with us tomorrow. Hehe!" He grinned, "Sister Biqing and I are also going with us."

It was obvious that he was very interested in this trip.

Murong Xue gave him a white look, and said to herself:

"What's the fun? It's just a waste of time."

While speaking, he still patted the snow on his body, and walked towards the mount tied to the side.

At the same time, he raised his voice, and said to the captain of the dark guard who was still standing behind him——

"Zhan Fang! You take everyone to practice first, I'll go back and have a look! You come to the palace tonight, if you really want to go far away, of course you have something to explain!"

When the words fell, her men had already got on their horses.

Xiao An waved his hands at all the soldiers, then rode back on his horse, and followed Murong Xue back to Lingwang Mansion.

As soon as she entered the mansion, she saw Biqing standing in the yard talking to the servants who had been standing all over the yard.

When she got closer, she heard that she was telling everyone what the servants would do and what they would do when the prince and the others were not in the mansion!
She frowned slightly, knowing that this trip might take a long time.

Because they usually live in the palace, sometimes for two or three months, but Biqing and the others still come back occasionally during the day, and the servants are also orderly.

Now that Biqing has explained so carefully, it means that they will not be able to return to the palace for a long time.


Wow!I wrote that Xuexue grew up, and I was so excited that I had already updated fifteen chapters before I knew it!call!Take a breath.Alas, don't despise me, I know my writing speed is slow enough, alas, I am really slow!ah ah ah ah ~~
(End of this chapter)

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