Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 505 Departure, to Dashun

Chapter 505 Departure, to Dashun
Going to Dashun with them, there are also Biqing, Xiaoan, four maids and four servants.

In addition, Dongfang Ling also drew ten people from the hidden guards to accompany them all the way.

Because of the rush of time, and the fact that Yanchi's icy and snowy road was difficult to walk, they set off at dawn on the second day.

Murong Xue and Dongfang Ling sat in the same carriage, while Bi Qing took the four maids in the other carriage.

The two servants were in charge of driving the girl's car, and Dongfang Ling's car was driven by Xiao An, while the other two servants were in charge of the two vehicles that followed behind.

The ten hidden guards rode horses to protect the surroundings to ensure the safety of the masters.

In fact, when it comes to protection, even the ten hidden guards at the side understand that they are just protecting the accompanying servants.

As for those two distinguished masters... how can they protect them!

After tossing around for the past few years, even the arrogant Third Prince did not dare to fight against him again. If robbers came to rob them, they would really go out without checking the calendar.

Lifting the curtain, Murong Xue stuck out her tongue and looked at the carriages of people getting off in front, and then said to Dongfang Ling:
"Let me tell you, Biqing must be sleeping right now!"

Dongfang Ling raised his eyebrows, asking why.

She laughed and said again:
"I slept well last night, and she just packed in my room overnight. I woke up this morning and saw that there were big and small bags, and she packed two boxes of clothes for me."

Dongfang Ling was also happy, but pointed to the two cars behind him——

"But you only brought one box!"

"Yeah." She nodded, "I'm not going to show off, what are you doing with those clothes!"

"What's a show?"


She stopped talking and looked out of the window, her heart filled with anticipation. She had been yearning for the most beautiful country in the legend for too long.

(End of this chapter)

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